The communal sounds of the guitar
I'll be checking out the local campus bar tonight... ALONE... I figure let's go balls out here, hopefully I don't stand out as that creepy foreigner who always says the wrong thing. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'll be buying a camera REAL soon, Ive been getting bitched at by some people for not having enough pictures. But I wanna get a decent one for a decent price, kinda asking alot, but hey I'm cheap, what can I say?
I figured out how my shared kitchen works today. The fridge has small little locked compartments that you store stuff in, as well as cupboards. So I went shopping for some essentials, and Im almost set. Tomorrow's task is to figure out how to do laundry, and then do it. Aaron was saying that his laundry machines take literally forever, so I gotta be patient. I've also decided to make some crucial purchases tomorrow, just small things for my room, but I have no clue where to find any of it. The adventure begins!
I also just downloaded this Google Talk thing. For those of you not in the know, its another Skype style program. For some reason, Skype is being weird with my network, but Google Talk is working fine. So for those of you looking to try some new things, check it out.
k, off to start drinking and mingling with some Germans.
more pictures of hot blondes.
Anonymous, at 4:19 AM
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