Rather Mundane Update
So the last few days have kinda been slow. Much slower than the last week, that's for sure. I've written out the postcards for the people who asked me for them. I'll be sending them out tomorrow. I've found some cool shit online. For those using Firefox, check this out, its a easy way to speed up Firefox, it actually works pretty well.
I spent most of the day running some errands. Shopping in Stuttgart, getting my room a bit more organized and homely, and starting to get angry at the people in charge of my program. They were supposed to send me my letter of acceptance to the university month's ago, but for some reason, they always had some excuse as to why it wasn't there. After talking to one of the dudes in my building, Martin, he was telling me how hard it is for Germans to get a room here in the residences. Apparently there's a 6 month waiting list, which is kinda ridiculous cause they definitely reserve rooms for the international students, as I didn't have a problem at all grabbing a room... but I digress.... he was saying that only until he started getting mad at the people in charge did he get a room. So I took his advice, I sent some nice, yet strongly worded emails to the people in charge in the Faculty of Physcis here. Ive sent them many emails in the past, only to recieve nothing, or telling me to show up during office hours (which none of them have shown up to...ever) . Anyhoo, within an hour, the dude came to my apartment and dropped off my whole package in person.
So I guess I've learned something about the German system, they really don't give a shit till you give them shit... good to know in the future.
So I got my important papers and information that I need to get my student visa, and get enrolled in the german course next week.
Tomorrow Im heading out of the city to meet up with an old friend from my exchange, Henning. This dude is definitely a character. He's definitely the best bassist I've ever met (sorry Krishna), as well as one of the most irresponsible people Ive ever met. My first encounter with him, he was driving like a maniac, drunk off his ass, and still drinking. Well, turns out it caught up to him and he's since got his license revoked for a couple months, which means we'll be travelling a la public transit. Fine by me, I bought a one month transit pass today, so I can go anywhere in the area at my will.
fuck, Ive been getting these viruses on my computer, which my virus checker has been picking up, but I don't know if its coming from the network, or theres something deep in my computer. If its the latter, I'll be forced to reformat. I don't understand what's going through these geeks heads when they're writing a virus. What kind of ignorant miserable asshole wants to inflict such frustration and damage on unsuspecting people? I guess they're just pissed that no one liked them in high school, so theyre taking their revenge on everyone else now...assholes.
Oh, I found another cool thing on the net. I guess it just riles up the physics in me, and gets me a little hot and bothered, but check it out regardless, I find it to be pretty interesting and humbling. I guess that's it for now. Sorry about the mindless ranting, I'm pretty bored now. I need to find something to do besides rant on this blog. peace for now
you were right. that was mundane..
Anonymous, at 12:28 AM
You are actively my hero for now.
I did't have a chance to read all the posts now(bloody proxy server at work!) until I get home but keep having fun. I doubt your time there could get any better man.
You said it right: Amesterdamn!! I guess that's one place where God is scared of people!
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM
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