Quick Update on my Life
I got a free bike today. I gotta give props to my Canadian Navy and music buddy Ashley for this one. He directed me to a great site, freecycle.org. Its essentially a Yahoo Groups style thing, but with people from your area with stuff that they dont need. Although its called Free Cycle, and, well, I got a bike through it, they also have a boatload of other things. The idea is simple. If someone doesnt need anything, they post a message on the board of what they have, and other people respond. Theres only one rule, everything is Free. Now thats speaking my language.
So heres a picture of my new baby...

Besides that, theres not alot goin on. The BBQ's are still in full swing. I played some beach volleyball the other day on campus, which was a great time. Im going to Austria in a couple weeks for the weekend, and my mom will be coming the week after. So I should stay pretty busy.
Im off to go drink with some friends. It really is a great hobby ;)
Oh yah, I saw this on my buddy Ave's blog, and it really is hilarious. Im not even a Star Wars fan, but I was laughing out loud, check it out, its very entertaining.
Yup, so thats the newest info in my life. I hope people are still reading this, as I have been quite lazy as far as posting is concerned. But hey, when the weather is beautiful, theres no reason for me to be in my room writing on a blog.
I know Becky still checks this blog regularly... remember that short, chubby chinese girl?
Anonymous, at 7:03 AM
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