Tim in Germany!

April 08, 2006

and here we go again...

so Im in Amsterdam. in a cozy hostel on the south end of town. Like every other time ive been here, the city never ceases to entertain me. I took Dionne, Sarah, and Sarahs cousin Anne-Marie to the main tourist Amsterdam pillars: food, drugs, and prostitution. We ate some great food, frequented some coffeeshops, and took a quick tour of a red light district.

We were all extremely tired throughout the day. We celebrated Dionnes birthday in London, before getting more of a nap, until heading off on a train, a HOVERCRAFT!, and another train into Amsterdam. (The hovercraft was cool).

We will be getting some bikes today in real Amsterdam fashion, and take a bike tour of the city. Im excited for that, it will be nice and relaxing. Well relaxing is a relative term, there is still the constant fear of being hit by a person, another bike, or a car, as this city is one of many close calls, and very few accidents.

This computer cant take my pictures, so this one will have to be pure text. Were on a bus to Paris on Monday. For now, Im making sure to enjoy the first world comforts again, in a great party and relaxing city.


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