Douz, at the edge of the Great Saharah
I must say Im falling in love with the desert. ive never seen anything really like it. Tonight Im heading out on camel for a day and night over the Great Sand Dunes. I cant wait, although pictures zill have to wait until I get back to London.
getting here brought me back to my month in China. Me and 30 locals crammed on a bus for 10 hours with no AC. haha, my buddy Alex said it best. When travelling in far off and remote places, life is definitnely hard and everybody has moments of near collapse. The only choice you have is to either laugh the fear and frustration away or just break down crying. I normally choose the former...haha, normally
Im getting used to the climate here (its bloody hot for me) and i even got myself a turban to starve the sun off my head. they work remarkably well and i must say, im a sexy bitch in it.
Im also getting a feel very quickly for saving ALOT of money. Im so far underbudget and would like to keep it that way, England kinda nhurt the wallet and I got a free floor to sleep on! I finally met my first fellow traveller here (all foreigners are tourists, in every sense of the word) a nice German lady from Bavaria. she was all alone which is brave for a woman in a Muslim country, even though Tunisia is definitely the most tolerant Muslim country towards women. In general, the locals are very nice, warm and happy people, although it is clear that real life here is very difficult and trying. Some of the housing is near appalling but they get on and many have constantly told me that they thank God everyday for what they have, which is very uplifting and surprising.
k, gotta run. my camel awaits. my next couple days will be Camel rides and long train rides (its a 10 hour train ride back to Tunis; but for 20 dinars, I cant say no)
I could only wish I was there. I am going to quiz you about this once you are back, but sounds like some awesome place to hit. I wonder if it is too much raided by tourists?
I am planning to hit Tanzania, and generally east cost of Africa as my first trip out of here. wanna come ?!;)
how tall are those camels dude? I could see myself shitting my pants sitting on top of one of those!
Amin, at 9:35 AM
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