More already?
In my last post, I hinted that there was alot going on in my life right now, although I only mentioned my thoughts on the oral exams here... so here's whats up, right now.
I got a job today, its a part time student job here on campus. I'll be building circuits for the Physics department here. They need a few things done, and really, all the hard parts are finished, they just need someone who can solder to assemble everything, this I can do. It's always helpful to get a job in your department at school to see whats going on, as well as meet all the people who make up the faculty. As much as I dont like it, networking is really important in life, and theres never a better time than the present to meet new peeps.
I also mentioned a week or so ago that I am going travelling. I leave Germany on MArch 21, heading to London to meet up with Dionne, one of the lovely chocolate sugars from Whitey and the Caucasians. She's getting her MSc there and since my flight to Tunisia leaves from London, I chose to go a few days early and catch up with her. So I then fly to Tunisia, get lost for a week, then head back to London, chill with Dionne a bit more and meet up with Sarah from Eng Phys at Mac. She's coming to Europe right as I am in London, so I think we are going to travel as a trio and make it back to Stuttgart, via. Amsterdam and maybe Paris.
After I get back, I will begin to move my apartment to this awesome student-run, hippy commune-like residence here on campus, I need to take some pics and post them, its a rad place. They said I will move in around May, but I will see if its possible for me to move in a couple weeks early. Moving days are always the worst, and I will need some time to get my shit organized, as I dont think I get the furnishings that I am provided as of now. Thus, I will have to splurge on a cheap bed, dresser, desk, etc. Hopefully, I can find something decent from IKEA for not too much.
So around the end of April, Andrea (another Canadian) is coming to Europe and will be crashing with me for a bit. We will be definitely travelling, although to where is still up in the air, I have a few good ideas, and if get the defininte word from her soon, I can start making some reservations. So we should be oot-'n-aboot for a week or so. School also starts around then too, so I have to be careful as to how much school I miss, but whatever, Im a masters student, its a pretty chillax life.
yuppers, so those are my plans over the next month or so. It will be pretty hectic but exciting. Ive missed out on some good trips already due to school (most of my international friends here are all on exchange, which is totally different from what Im doing... My school actually counts, they get to piss around as much as they please and it really doesnt matter, in the end). If anyone has been to Tunisia, I would love some travel tips, good unknown places to see, etc. Im not much for tours and the like, but I know there is an art to sneaking on day tours with some groups, we'll see if it is successful.
k, Im out. Thats it for me for a day or so here...
hey man, with regards to tour groups...
I know you probably aren't a fan of organized tour groups, as admittedly they are pretty lame and restricting if not done properly. I can only speak on behalf of the one tour group (contiki) that I did too. But in general, what you lose in freedom to adventure you gain in not having to worry about logistics. This really only applies if there is lots to see and little time to do it and you are alone... if you're going to just chill, and especially if you're travelling with others, then the tour group is not the thing to do. When you're alone and you have nowhere to sleep, it's no longer 'an adventure with an interesting story', it's a 'frustrating lesson in personal safety'.
Also, tour groups do have one advantage: they tell you about the history of things. Otherwise, the pompeiin ruins are just rocks. Oh, and they can get you places that public transit usually doesn't (nature related usually).
Ave Yuen, at 8:13 PM
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