Let the people speak!!!! and wicked animation...
"not the best outcome, but it isn't the mess that everyone thinks it will be (i don't think).
64.8% is up by almost 5% from the last election, and Jan elections are notorious for having low voter turn-out. so believe it or not, this number is 'good'. but still, thumbs-down to the 8-million who didn't vote. not cool.
but really, the conservatives don't really have too much parlimentary power, because the NDP didn't get the balance of power they'd need to pass bills via co-operation etc. so this means that everyone will have to work together to pass anything. pretty good deal i think. very Canadian.
now the toughy ... i think the liberals needed a kick in the ass from Canadians. they were becoming a little lazy and thinking that no-one could unseat them. i think our democracy has been renewed by some real competition to keep things moving, and keep everyone on their toes. i think at least two parties need to feel like they can compete, and everyone else should feel that the outcome is (relatively) unpredictable and reflective on Canadians wants/needs for a government.
so if you're totally anti-conservative (which many are), rest assured that this minority conservative government won't last long, and will not have the power to pass much (without going to referrendums).
also - the conservatives are really under the microscope here. they've been given a VERY thin line by many Canadians. sentiment was pretty clear on election night anyway.
so it is not as bad as it seems. i don't think so anyway.
but only time will tell ..."
My comments: pretty much, hes right on everything. Due to the minority government, I dont think the radical changes that all us anti-conservatives dread will come into effect, depending on how the coalition forming goes. Also, theres a good chance there wil be another election in the next year to 18 months, so we will have some time to see what theyre really made of.
As for the 64.8%, it IS higher than the last election, but that was a record low for Canada, so I think I still have no pity for those who decided to not to have a voice.
And I think my biggest dissapointment in this whole thing is that the Greens didnt get a seat. This means that next election, even though 4.6% of us decided to have a Green say in government, they probably will not have a chance to participate in the debates, etc, which is bs as far as Im concerned.
Charlie brought up a good point today about this, the one independent in Quebec who won may have a better chance of participating in the debates even though the less than 0.1% (they round up) of us who voted for him, he will get his chance in the spotlight. Anyone have any views on this?
Oh yah, if anyone else is trying to post a comment and it doesnt work, let me know, I'll get on it, hopefully it is just a temporary glitch in bloggers site.
k, yesterday I went out to this Media night at the College for Media here on my campus. There was some awesome stuff there, that should be shown more often. All of the final projects from the students were shown, and they were damn impressive to say the least. Not only was there great animation, but alot of it was timed to killer music, and was just great eye candy. There was also live music (which Im a sucker for) as well as the mandatory beer and hot girls that make any good party. In short, it was an awesome night, and if you ever get a chance to go to something like that in your area, CHECK IT OUT!!! Really impressive stuff.
k, thats my rant for the day, Im off to do some work. cheers.
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