The 5L Mass

Yesterday a few of us went out drinking. This one bar serves these ginormous 5L jugs of beer. Now, 5L is an awful lot of beer, its approx 15 Canadian beers.
Anyways, a buddy Scott decided to go for it, and ordered one of these montrosities. I had a feeling he could do it, but seeing that beer go down slowly and slowly and him getting progressively drunker and drunker made me truly appreciate the event. Overall, I had myself a fun night.

After this place we headed to another party on campus here and drank till our hearts content. We went back to Ryan's place to enjoy some green and met all sorts of strange people along the way. I amost think that the randomness that occurrs is always the most entertaining part of any party night.

Oh yah, I almost forgot, a Canadian here Simon has been corrupted by the awful hairstylings that take place here. For an idea, check this out. its absolutely hideous.
HE was cutting his hair and decided to go Euro, I shudder just thinking of it. There was also some talk of getting a dirty moustasche contest going in the new year, it would be a good time, but I definitely would never get a chance with a lady for the entire contest, that I am sure of. And just thinking of how Alex looked in China also makes me shudder...ugh

Who loves ya baby?
Oh yah, one more thing, I will be landing in Canada in 6 days, Im really looking forward to seeing everyone again, its been quite a trip out here, and as much as 2 weeks is shorter than i would have liked, its plenty of time to get back to the roots. See ya soon y'all!
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