Tim in Germany!

December 03, 2005

Yet another security flaw with IE

I read an article on slashdot.com about a security flaw with IE and Google Desktop. It shows that using a CSS script on the website, it can access and log information returned from your machine by Google Desktop. The guy who found it has created a page about it, explaining how it works and how his test page displays information.

There's a test page that can tell you if your version of IE is vulnerable or not. I tested it on mine, and it only got about halfway, it didn't go as far as the author said his script went, although it still accessed some data from my machine.

I suggest that you read his page first, before trying the test page to understand how the information is laid out, otherwise it may seem a little chaotic.

This, and combined with my recent problems with this blog in IE support my thesis that there is a significant difference between IE and other browsers, ie. FF. And that if possible, people should be using something else, like Opera.

I'd also like to extend a request that if my page is ever looking really out of place, and things arent working, please leave a comment including the problem and the browser that you use. I use Firefox and do all of my initial tests in it, and it works lovely, but IE is another story.

P.S. On a completely unrelated note, I had my first dream in German last night. Really strange, it's kinda got me in a daze this morning.


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