Tim in Germany!

December 01, 2005

Shunned by Google and no more free laundry

I wanted to try the Google ad service, Google Adsense. It's the standard Google ads that most of us have become accustomed to ignore. I simply wanted to see it working, and maybe if it was actually sucessful, i would make some beer money out of it, although I wasn't expecting to bring in the green from it.

Anyway, as per terms of agreement, Google inspects your site to make sure it is worthy of their ads, and mine failed. heh. They didn't like my references to 'drugs and drug paraphenalia'. So I got rejected...ouch.

I will try to lay off the drug references and see of they will like me then, but as the Germans would say, 'mal schauen', we'll see.

Speaking of Germans, I have been priviledged these past months to free laundry here. We pay with a card system, that we have to top off. Someone realized a way to scam the card readers, in which it would let you do laundry, but not take off any credit from the card. This was fantastic. But the clever Germans caught on, and switched the program to eliminate this. Now, Im stuck paying for laundry like a chump. It's not that much, like 3 Euros for a load to wash and dry, but still, it adds up, and I'm also cheap.

I also added this Google search bar to my index at the right. I have not been able to get good search results from my own page, maybe someone out there will have an idea. If you have a few minutes, could you try some search terms from my site and see if it gives anything? And if you have an idea as to why it doesn't want to actually search my site, please let me know.

gotta go, class is waiting...


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