Tim in Germany!

March 27, 2006

Even more from London

So Ive been here in England for almost a week now. So far, I really like it. Its a very nice country, and London really is a world class city. I could do without the wind and rain, however.

The last couple days I was alone for most of it as Dionne had some family stuff to do, as yesterday was Mothers Day here (only the Brits do it in March, I dont know why). Saturday night I checked out the infamous London indie music scene. I researched a bit online where the old school clubs are at, and made my way down. I must, say, I was blown away. The music was fantastic, very different, but just well done. So all in all, the scene lived up to its name.

I also got a chance to see some of the great markets here in London. We went to a couple, but I think Camden Market was my favourite. It had a great feel to it, with TONS of stuff, and lots of food. If anyone is ever in London, its a must for good shopping.

I fly outta here tomorrow for Tunisia, I cant wait. Its gonna be a good week for me. I got a whole bunch of good info from Tunisian friends in Germany, as well as the Toursim Tunisia place here in London. Actually, speaking of Germans, I think I have met a new batch every day here, theyre EVERYWHERE in London. Actually, it was pretty strange, at one of the clubs I went to on Saturday, I was chilling and enjoying a beer before the bands started and I heard German next to me, so naturally I started to Deutsch it up with them, and turns out they were both from Stuttgart! weird.

Another thing, Ive been reading alot lately. Ive been considering stealing the idea from darryl's blog and have a book section in my index here, but that will have to wait until I get back, until then, I started reading Dan Brown's (da Vinci Code) new book, Angels and Demons. Its similar to the da Vinci code in style and pace (which was good), but theres some good science/religion issues that are brought up. For anyone who knows me, Im interested in this and I think my opinions are almost directly represented here in the book. Its a good one, so if you happen to see it at a used book store for cheap, be sure to pick it up.

I also just finished another book, 'A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down' by Robert B. Laughlin. This wasnt bad. Laughlin won the '98 Nobel Physics Prize and has some interesting ideas on where we stand science-wise. He talks alot about a new age of science and culture, the age of emergence. For anyone who loves the word 'synergy', this comes into play rather nicely. He argues that instead of looking deeper and deeper for the mysteries of the universe, we need to start looking at the emergent properties that occur all the time around us. I could go on, but then I would have to write the book myself.

ok, this is getting long. I need to get some English breakfast in me.


  • Dude, it's too late now, but while you were in the area you should have checked out Bath. Incredibly beautiful city, if you can handle the tourists and the insane prices, but if you're smart you can figure out ways to go on the cheap.

    P.S. If you ever do go to Bath, don't drink the bath water. Seriously. I did. and paid for it.

    By Blogger Ave Yuen, at 12:36 AM  

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