London Update

Overall, Ive had a good time so far, Im off to Salisbury tomorrow for a night to see Stonehenge, I will definitely post pics of that once I get there.
For the first time, Im keeping a little travel journal. It started out as a book of important info that comes up (train times, etc) but Ive been jotting down quick notes and ideas that Ive had. For London, here are my first thoughts...
1. British Food is really bland and gross. The stereotype is true. I dont get how all these other European countries can have such refined and delicious culinary culture, but England is definitely an exception.
2. The architecture here is really impressive. there is of course, normal run down buildings like all big cities, but the older stuff is really impresssive.
3. Camera's EVERYWHERE. I feel like Im being watched by someone whenever I take a piss. I know this is meant for security, etc. but... I just dont think they really do much. there were still the terror bombings, etc. I dont know, maybe it has reduced crime, I shouldnt say anything I dont know much about, but its a creepy feeling, thats for sure.
4. In general, it seems like London is so DENSE. Its like they just kept building more and more stuff in the same place as time went on. The roads are all over the place, as is the public transportation system. the Tube is ok, as far as subways go. For some reason, Im always curious about the public transportation system in different cities I go. I think it says alot about the place if they have figured out a way to get people around efficiently and effectively.
Im going to write another post with pictures. The blogger interface is really frustrating to use... i just uploaded three pics, waited a good 5 minutes to upoload everything only to have nothing happen here.
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