Brief Spurts of Homesickness
We started the party early, like 4 pm. Fired up the grill, I brought the guitar, and all was well with the world. I played Beer Pong for the first time last week, its a VERY American drinking game, but I must admit, its pretty fun.
So the day got off pretty normal, some music, some meat, and some drink. But everytime I play music, I always feel there's something missing. That something is the dudes and dudettes from Whitey. I still haven't found that kind of joy here, which is where the title of homesickness comes in. I did, however, find a Frenchman, Charles, who can wail on the sax. He's no Ash, but I'm pretty certain there's only one like him. So anyway, he brought his sax and we went to town. It completely brought me back to my days of busking on the streets of Hess village in Hamilton with the guys. Here's a pic of us, can you notice the sheer joy in my face? haha, its hard to miss...

All in all, a great afternoon/night.
And on the topic of music, a friend of a friend here from Germany was visiting a few nights ago and I was told he loves his music just as much as I do. He also brought his guitar. So after some smalltalk we decided to bust out some tunes. To my complete amazement and astonishment, he pulls out a LEFTY SEAGULL!!!! Now, for most of you who dont know what the hell that means to me, I'll explain briefly...
Seagull is a guitar maker from Quebec, Ive only seen them sold in Canada. Theyre known for having great sound and at a great price. Definitely the best value acoustics one can find. Now, Im a lefty, which is rare enough to meet a lefty guitar player (in fact, I think Ive really only met 1 or 2 in my day). So imagine how blown away I was to see that this random dude from Hamburg had managed to get a Canadian made guitar, in Germany, AND its a lefty!!!!! If he was a girl, I would have jumped her right there and then in a fit of pure lust and excitement. But, fortunately for the both of us, he was male, so I just shook his hand and started to jam.
Now, Ive met some good guitar players here, but no one that Ive really clicked with like with the guys from back home. It was starting to get on my nerves a bit that the only people I meshed with were 8000 km away. But finally, after 9 months, I found one!!!!! This guy was really good, he had his own style, and our style's meshed perfectly. We could both jam out anything, and learn something from one another. Call it fate, call it luck, call it what you please... it was nice.
We then went into the woods, founds a campfire site, and lit a fire. We jammed and danced till 5 am. It was magical. So magical, in fact, that there are tentative plans for me to travel to Hamburg and play with his band. If all goes well, then I will have him come down for my birthday party and play some live music with me here. I will need to take care of alot of logistics for that to happen, but I will try my darndest.
Anyway, the last few days have been great. Despite the rather cold and rainy weather, its been a ton of fun. I can only wish that the upcoming days can come close to matching this.
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