It's been a drunken couple days...
So after the bar closed around 4am, the guitarist Max and I decided we needed to jam, it just seemed like the right thing to do. We make the trek to their jam room, which was kinda far away, but whatever. We got completely lost in our stupour, and ended up in some random cornfield. We decided to keep going. After a few minutes of walking through this field, we see the sillhouettes of some dudes in the distance. They drew closer and got our attention. Turns out they were 3 dudes from Cameroon, who were lost (no shit). They asked where the nearest subway station was from there, we laughed, as they were fuckin FAR! We tried to get it outta them how they ended up in the same cornfield as oursleves. AND, they happen to live in the other building next to mine back at the university. Pretty funny shit if you ask me.
We ended up making it to their jam room, in the middle of this industrial area, pretty good area for a jam room, I guess. So we got our gear going, me being lefthanded, I had to restring his guitar. We were rockin out till 8 am. He's actually a really good guitar player. Totally rocks out, especially for 19. After realizing we were totally passing out, we decided to head back to his car and go back to his place for breakfast. I ended up meeting his folks as they were waking up, probably not the best light to meet me under, totally pissed and underslept from the night before, but they were really nice regardless. His dad collects vintage guitars, I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I saw them, I cant explain the wickedness of these guitars... really.
So I ended up taking a train home, fell asleep on the train, missed my stop, had to get out and turn around, and didnt get into bed until 9:30 am. Man, the next day was rough. I wake up at 4, having an appointment at the government office for my visa, so they would let me stay in the country. I was hungover to shit, kinda worried that they would smell the alcohol on my breath and turn me down, but sure enough, it was pretty easy. I now have my German resident visa, and am offically allowed to be here. Good to know. I also got hooked up with a cell phone from Henning's drummer. In case any of you wanna know, its 49-1623-536512. But dont call me unless youre in Germany, or someones dying, its really expensive for me.
So yesterday, my friend Eva took me out to get some more shit done with my registration, I met a cool dude from Mexico, Pablo, who studied in Saskatchewan for a term... I gave him my condolences. She then took us to her friends place, who lives in this wicked ass student dorm. I guess it was built by students back in the day, its all wooden and rustic, and looks like a huge cottage. Theres 13 of them living there, but I was jealous, compared to my little room, its paradise. Her friend, Elisabeth, is actually pretty cute, and studies physics. She took us out to IKEA to stock up on some living essentials, which I took full advantage of. 80 Euro later, Im almost good to go here. My place is getting to be a nice little pad. I went to get a camera too, but after finding a great one, I found out that they were all sold out. Im going right now to downtown and see if I can find one there. When I do, these posts will start to liven up a little bit, as I can actually show you the crazy stuiff Im talking about.
Last night, I met up with Henning again, and got to see his band jam out, theyre awesome. Pure bred rock and roll. I was digging it. There was a bar right across the street which we went to, I called up Elisabeth, and she took the train down to meet me. and sure enough, we were there till 5 am. hammered off our asses, Elisabeth and I took the train home, I crashed, and here I am now. Killer hangover, and a wasted day.
On the bright side, I found out that Aaron is coming down next weekend, Im looking forward to that. I also can't wait for my tranny friend Ashley to come down in a month or so, thats gonna be awesome. We're definitely gonna be busking on the streets of Stuttgart, without a doubt.
k, so this ended up being alot longer than I expected, sorry dudes and dudettes. I will hopefully have a camera, so I dont have to explain every last detail, Nick Leeson style.
peace out, I hope Canada is well.
Dude, Those 2 links from a couple posts ago (the firefox speedup and the orders of magnitude) were AMAZING ... the latter being much more amazing, of course!
Helios, at 10:40 PM
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