Bierlauf Dinner

Heres the group, minus Matt, who was on my team, he ended up getting drunk and jumped off a balcony that was entirely too high for him and broke his foot. Serves him right, i guess.

I wont go into details about the dinner, but it was as filling as a meal could get, this picture here is of two of the three platters that was served up to us throughout the night. It was wonderful. We ended up playing some drinking games for a few hours with the seemingly neverending pitchers; hell for less than $10 a pitcher, how could we resist? A cool part of the whole event is it made the Stuttgart Paper. The place that hosted the event had the article mounted and framed. Turns out, a large portion of the article was dedicated to our team and our lovely attire and strategy. I guess the immediate downing of two beers before we even got going was deemed newsworthy? I just think it was a slow news day. In any case, I got my name in a German newspaper, which is pretty funny, as it was for drinking.

But with drinking comes drunkeness...

Great times.
On a side note, my parents are flying in tomorrow and we will be galavanting around Italy and the Netherlands for a week. I can't wait to see them, it's been almost 6 months since I last saw them, so I'm really looking forward to this adventure. I'll be sure to blog about the good times along the way.
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