Goldstein, come and gone

So Aaron Goldstein came down on Saturday with his buddy Akio. They're hitchhiking across Europe, or at least as far as their thumbs will take them...

They started in Amsterdam and made it about halfway through hitching. To save a bit of time, they caught a train into Stuttgart and I met up with them.
This is a pic of them drunk one night, with yet another hot blonde, Simone. I love this country...

We went out for a night on the town, met up with some German friends I made and started boozing and dancing.
The rest of the weekend pretty much consisted of this with a fair amount of down time.
On the weekend, they had no problems with the tent, as no official was around. But come Tuesday, my Hausmeister had had enough. He woke them up super early, around 7ish, to yell at them for trespassing. He threatened to call the police if they weren't out in an hour. I got a ring, came down and settled the whole thing. Unfortunately, he made them give him their passport numbers, as insurance, in case they didn't leave.
Ashley is coming down with his buddy Ryan on Friday, we are going to head to Freiburg to see Hanna, its her birthday. Im trying to find a place to rent a saxophone in Stuttgart, but so far no luck. Since the guys are going to be tenting again, I'll have them move into the forest for the weekday to avoid any further incidents with the angry Hausmeister.
As for me, this German class is still going EVERY day, its starting to be a drag, but I have a pretty cool class, and we make sure to have fun. Today was jam packed with nothing but grammer, which sucks balls. Luckily, I seem like a superstar, cause I've already learned this horrible stuff. It's good practice nonetheless.
I went to the doctor yesterday to get some prescriptions for my meds that I take in Canada. The system is a little strange here, and I found myself learning alot real quickly. In the end, it turned out just fine and I got some meds from a pharmacy here. The pharmacies are definitely different, very 19th century feel to all of them, it might be some sort of traditional thing. Had a nice chat with the pharmacist lady, who was so happy that a foreigner likes Germany. If you haven't met Germans before, they tend to not appreciate what they have and focus on the negative parts of the country. If only they knew how it could be....
Im off to do some more drinking tonight with some other international students. Luckily there's lots of Biergartens here on campus, so there's a ton of variety. I hope all is well in Canada. peace
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