For those who are sick of ugly windows but cant afford a MAC
There's cool software package out that makes any PC look like a MAC, my favourite part about this is that awesome docking unit at the bottom of the screen. I always liked that about MAC. Check out info here. A few of the download mirrors weren't working, but this one worked just fine.
If it starts buggering up my computer I'll post it here, but so far I dig the style.
And Im trying to figure out if it comes with that cool utility that OSX Macs have, where you can view all the open windows at once, and choose, Im getting tired of the crazy amounts of tabs at the bottom, especially when youre doing something that requires alot of file moving from different parts of the hard drive. Any Mac users know what this is called? Help me out.
On a secondary note, I've had this bloody adware virus on my computer for months now. It's definitely the most relentless piece of shit Ive ever seen. It calls itself the Aurora virus, and no spyware program I've seen can battle it. It took me over 2 hours to get it off my system. I swear it was everywhere. But I WON, bitch!
If this sounds familiar to any of you (I read its passed through Bittorrent), check this out, it's a good way of getting it off, but it really isn't easy. Apparently, it's one of the toughest bastards to get rid of. Theres multiple files, that if you simply delete one, the other ones recreate it in seconds. Plus the registry was clogged with so many entries of this shit, I spent a good hour going through it and trying to get every last one. I've said this before, but it's on my mind now...
Anyone who has ever made a virus and distributed it to the masses should be shot through the head. Normally, Im a pretty tolerant and passive person, but I say we execute these assholes. And that goes for anyone reading this who has ever distributed a virus...WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? GET A REAL JOB AND STOP MESSING WITH PEOPLE'S LIVES.
Sorry, kinda got outta control there. I caught a cold, and don't feel well, but my statement still stands.
was randomly reading blogs and can't help to comment on yours. Mac definitely rocks. I am a switcher and it's really better than windows. no shit.
KikayC, at 8:21 AM
Take care of yourself.
Get well soon, Tim
Anonymous, at 10:53 PM
you can get a utility that lets you view all of the windows..
in macs it's called Expose.
the program for windows is called Winplosion.. i think I might know someone who has a crack for it.. though if you want to buy it it's like 10 bux
Anonymous, at 5:07 PM
Another side note about the macs..
the reason why everything runs slower on a PC if you set up all that extra crap is cuz macs drive their desktop graphics with the video card.. windows just uses the main processor for a lot of that.. another thing.. the Dock is kinda useless since you have a task bar..
i use macs in the pscyhlab all the time.. and personally I effin' hate them.. although it can be more complicated I enjoy the structure of the windows file system. macs have absolutely no structure it's messed.. i personally think that macs are better for those who are computer illiterate.. though OSX is unix based (behind the scenes) i believe..
the other thing I dislike about macs is the fact that everything is proprietary.. (except for vid cards) you couldn't just buy parts from any third party manufacturer (cuz there aren't any).. but fear not.. there is an x86 version of Mac OSX Tiger now.. since apple decided to go with intel processors starting next year.. and 'hackers' had a beta version running on a regular PC..
i don't actually hate them.. just dislike them.
that was a rant fit for my own blog.. though I'm currently still looking for my own blog title... done ranting.
Anonymous, at 5:17 PM
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