No matter what, things work out in the end
Our plan was for Ash to call me from Cologne with his train number, this way I could plan to meet him at the train station. Unfortunately, which I didn't find out till later, the number I gave him was to call me from outside Germany (the phone system here is really strange, theres 0's thrown in for various cases) Anyways, I went out that night to a friends place, had some dinner, all the while waiting patiently by my phone. By the time midnight came around, and I didnt hear from them, I started to get worried. I went home, assuming they did not catch the train and decided to stay in Cologne. I get home at around 12:30, to a MSN message sayign they were going to arrive at 11:08. SHIT. Theyve been in Stuttgart for over an hour, and I wasnt there. I felt terrible, yet couldnt understand why I still didnt get a call from them.
I rush downtown on the S-Bahn, or local subway, and ran to the main train station. I looked around all over the place for them, only to find nothing. I start circling the perimeter of the train station and some big streets nearby looking for anything remotely resembling two Canadian dudes. Nothing. By about 1:30 I had given up, I went back to the S-Bahn, to catch a train home, looked up on the display which read next train... 250 minutes... oh fuck. I missed the last train home. No worries, I thought, I have taken a night bus before, theres one that goes every hour till 3:30ish. I didnt know where it was though. I called up a friend of mine, Elisabeth, to ask her where I should be going. She sadly told me that the night bus didn't run on Thursdays, just the weekends...SHIT again... I really didnt know what to do, I was stuck in downtown till at least 5 am and still had no clue where Ash and Ryan were. I started to worry a bit. My best plan I could come up with, was to get drunk and sleep on the grass somewhere. Not my best plans, but it was all I had.
Because Elisabeth is a goddess amongst Germans, she actually woke up a roomate of hers, grabbed his car, and came to get my sorry ass. So we meet, and she drives me home. I got back around 2:30, rather defeated if I say so myself. Im walking up the stairs to my apartment, in the dark, still worrying about Ash, and what do I see? 2 bodies laying outside my door on the ground sleeping. I turn on the lights to see it was Ash and his friend Ryan. I couldn't believe it. They had managed to grab the last train here, and find my building amongst the many many buildings here, and even got let inside by a nice exchange student who knows me.
After all my escapades throughout Stuttgart, the bad situation resolved itself almost miraciously. So after exchanging our stories as to how we managed to get to where we were, we all went to sleep.
Yesterday was a fun day, albeit shitty weather, it rained all day. But we managed to make a run for the store, get some booze for a party that night, and spend a few hours in a bar, enjoying a few fine German brews. The party was a good time, lots of good people, lots and lots of alcohol, and lots of laughs. I posted my pics on my Yahoo site, but I'll follow this up with some of the good ones. We ended up going downtown in our maniacal stupor with some random German peeps we met there. Danced till 3 am, then cabbed it home. It was alot cheaper to cab than I thought, I couldv'e done that the night before.
So thats about it, the guys are still sleeping, and Im getting restless in my room. I'll probably go for a walk or something for an hour or so.
I hope the motherland is being treated well, take care of her for me. As for postcards, I have them, written, just havent gotten a chance to find out where to buy stamps, how much it costs, and where theres a mailbox, but it will be done this week.
Everything will be fine in the end... that's my faith, and i completely believe in it.
But, Tim, sweetie...
You should've stay home and wait for your friends.
that's just my viewpoint; i'm not here to criticize you... :D
Anonymous, at 1:06 AM
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