Slacky Mc Slacker
Although, Ive been getting a bit restless, just sitting on my butt, face deep in physics, so Im heading to Switzerland today for the weekend. A few friends here rented a car (A BMW, i believe :), and we're making the drive down. Were getting hooked up with a free place to stay which is always clutch.
So hopefully, I will have some funny stories from there. The only exciting thing thats been happening here is the influx of new people. In my building alone, we have at least 10-15 new people. almost half. So Ive been getting to know them, and hanging out with the few people still left here.
My thesis still isnt finalized, as my supervisor has been on vacation for a while. But I believe hes coming back next week, so I hope I will have something exciting to share then.
Hey Dood,
Yeah, research is so 'hurry up and wait'. It drives me nuts. It's the stopping that really gets to me.
my latest post is about the 'Does God Exist' chalk on campus ... do you remember that?
Helios, at 7:54 PM
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