lots to tell

ill start with the world cup....wow.
the whole event was so exciting and awesome. i mean, it was right in my backyard and the energy was intense. especially when germany won a game, dear lord.

the final was a great time, really crazy game actually with all the headbutting and debauchery that went with it. im definitely dissapointed that germany didnt go all the way, but they werent expected to do well and they took 3rd place which isnt bad. plus, they won the 3rd place in stuttgart, so you can imagine what the city was like afterwards... just awesome.
I've also been busy with school, lots of reports to write, which has sucked up many days of my time, unfortunately, but im doing alright so i cant complain.

i also have to decide what i want to do for a thesis in the next couple of weeks. theres alot of really interesting stuff here, but ive narrowed it down to 2 groups here. as much as the projects wont be this broad, i decided to make my choice on a field, as compared to a specific project. the fields which i have narrowed down are either quantum computing, or nanostructured circuits. Ive been asking some physics dudes from back home what they think is cooler, and most are saying the nano one, but for some reason, the lab for the Bose-Einstein Condesates (quantum computing) is really cool and interesting, and im sorta leaning in that direction. i just have to go into each lab now and meet all the people ill be working with as thats a big part of my decision. i have to like the people who i will be spending the next year with.

k, since im typing with one hand, this is taking a while, and i will quit now, but that is about it for whats happenin here. ill be posting soon, once the hand heals a bit and the throbbing pain goes away.